Taya Valkyrie AEW – VMK News

Taya Valkyrie AEW

Taya Valkyrie AEW: Taya Valkyrie, in a recent chat on the Lightweights Podcast, highlighted the distinctive features of All Elite Wrestling (AEW) that set it apart from independent wrestling shows.

She emphasized that being a TV show, AEW’s style in the ring differs due to the constraints and requirements of television compared to the more unrestricted environment of independent wrestling.

Taya Valkyrie AEW Unique Style and Inclusivity

Valkyrie drew parallels between AEW and independent wrestling, noting the freedom for more extreme risks and a wider variety of styles in AEW compared to mainstream alternatives like WWE.

She expressed her excitement about being part of something new, citing the innovative and inclusive atmosphere AEW fosters.

Taya Valkyrie AEW Positive Impact Beyond the Ring

Beyond the thrilling in-ring action, Valkyrie shed light on the broader impact AEW has on the wrestling community.

She commended AEW for creating not just wrestling opportunities but many jobs behind the scenes.

Valkyrie stressed the significance of AEW’s contribution to the wrestling job market, mentioning makeup artists, props personnel, and those handling special effects as part of the extensive team working behind the scenes.

Taya Valkyrie AEW Role

Valkyrie expressed gratitude for AEW’s role in breaking the monopoly that once existed in the wrestling world, where WWE was often seen as the sole destination.

She acknowledged the presence of IMPACT throughout her career, emphasizing the positive trend of more job opportunities arising in the professional wrestling realm.

Valkyrie believes that the expansion of opportunities benefits wrestlers and numerous individuals working diligently behind the curtain, ultimately contributing to the industry’s overall growth.

Taya Valkyrie AEW Journey

Taya Valkyrie’s arrival in AEW created quite a buzz, but unfortunately, her journey has faced hurdles due to what many see as less-than-ideal booking decisions. Let’s break down her experiences in the AEW women’s division.

Valkyrie burst onto the AEW scene with a determined pursuit of Jade Cargill’s TBS Championship. Despite her efforts, she fell short, and the title eventually found a new home with Kris Statlander.

The setbacks continued as she also faced defeat in a challenge against Toni Storm for the AEW Women’s World Title.

Initially positioned as a major player in the women’s division, Valkyrie’s trajectory seemed promising.

However, her place on the card has seen a decline, with sparse appearances on television raising questions about her current standing within AEW.

Potential from NXT to AEW

Valkyrie’s journey from NXT to AEW presented a significant opportunity for her to shine. In NXT, her talents were underutilized, with just six matches in less than a year.

Upon entering AEW, she faced challenges and a demanding environment. Despite the difficulties, Valkyrie acknowledged trying her best under the circumstances.

Speaking on AEW Unrestricted, Valkyrie opened up about her time in NXT, acknowledging that she might not have been given a fair chance.

Despite the challenges, she emphasized holding onto the moments of happiness and excitement during her wrestling journey.

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Taya Valkyrie Has Been Underutilized By AEW

Taya Valkyrie’s AEW Journey has been filled with anticipation, but it seems the company has yet to capitalize on her past successes in TNA. Let’s explore why her AEW stint hasn’t lived up to the initial excitement.

Taya Valkyrie Missed Opportunities to Shine

Despite the hype surrounding Valkyrie’s AEW debut, the company hasn’t managed to replicate her success in TNA.

The potential for her to dethrone Jade Cargill and make a significant impact seemed evident, but unfortunately, this hasn’t materialized.

Valkyrie has faced multiple high-profile losses in AEW, leaving fans and observers questioning the overall strategy behind her booking.

These setbacks have not contributed positively to her character and standing in the promotion.

In recent times, Valkyrie’s appearances on AEW Dynamite have mostly been relegated to dark matches, signaling a notable shift in her visibility.

Her last televised victory was back in July, and since then, she has faced challenges on the main stage, including a loss in a tag team match on Rampage.


Taya Valkyrie’s journey in AEW began with promise, praising its unique style and positive impact.

However, her experiences have been marred by missed opportunities, high-profile losses, and a decline in TV appearances.

Despite a shift from NXT, where she felt underutilized, AEW’s booking decisions have left her underappreciated, raising concerns about her future impact.


Taya Valkyrie WWE Name?

 Her name in WWE is Franky Monet.

Who is Taya Valkyrie husband?

John Morrison is the husband of Taya Valkyrie.

Taya Valkyrie WWE return?

There was no official information regarding her return to WWE but she is always a part of WWE.

Taya Valkyrie Age?

She is 40 years old.

Is Taya Valkyrie still in AEW?

Yes, All Elite Wrestling (2023–present) Valkyrie debuted in All Elite Wrestling (AEW) on the March 15, 2023

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