Cherry Pits and Apple Seeds:

Contains cyanide, a toxic substance, in small amounts. Swallowing large quantities can be harmful.

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Raw Cassava:

Contains cyanogenic glycosides, which can release cyanide. Cooking eliminates this risk.

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Bitter Almonds:

Contain cyanide. Sweet almonds are safe, but bitter almonds should be avoided or properly processed.

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Rhubarb Leaves:

Contains oxalic acid, which can be toxic in large amounts. Stick to eating the stems.

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Ingesting a large amount of nutmeg can lead to hallucinations and other adverse effects.

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Raw Honey:

May contain botulinum spores, harmful to infants. Adults and older children usually have no issues.

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Ackee Fruit:

Contains hypoglycin A, which can be toxic if the fruit is not ripe or prepared correctly.

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Fugu (Pufferfish):

Contains tetrodotoxin, a potent neurotoxin. Only licensed chefs can prepare it safely.

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Potatoes with Green Skin:

Develop solanine when exposed to light. Green potatoes can cause nausea, headaches, and in severe cases, coma.

Image Crtedit: Freepik

Raw Eggs:

May carry Salmonella. Cooking eggs thoroughly reduces the risk of contamination.

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