The late actor, Dinesh, was undergoing treatment at Mumbai’s Tunga Hospital. His final rites are scheduled to take place at Daulat Nagar Crematorium in Borivali East. Contrary to earlier reports of a heart attack, Dayanand Shetty clarified that Dinesh was battling liver damage.
Dayanand Shetty, known for his role as Daya in CID, stated, “It wasn’t a heart attack; it was liver damage. He was swiftly taken to Tunga Hospital, Malad. Over the past two days, his condition was critical. Unfortunately, there hasn’t been significant improvement. We’re all hoping for his recovery.”
Shetty explained, “Dinesh was initially receiving treatment for a different ailment, but the medication had an adverse effect on his liver. This emphasizes the importance of being cautious with medications. Sometimes, the cure for one thing can unexpectedly lead to another problem. It’s a reminder to handle allopathic medicines with utmost care.
Dinesh Phadnis Age
Born on November 2, 1966, in Bihar, Dinesh, a notable Indian television actor, left an indelible mark on the entertainment industry. Sadly, he passed away at the age of 57.
Dinesh Phadnis Hospitalized
On December 1, Dinesh was admitted to Mumbai’s Tunga Hospital, as revealed by Dayanand Shetty, his co-star from CID. Since then, updates about the 57-year-old actor’s health have been shared by Shetty, indicating that Dinesh is currently undergoing treatment at the hospital.
Dinesh Phadnis Family
Dinesh Phadnis Net-Worth
Behind Dinesh immense talent lies a flourishing career that has contributed to his impressive net worth of $5 million. Through his appearances in various films, television shows, and endorsements, he has established himself as one of the prominent earners in the industry.
While the exact figures of Dinesh net worth may vary, his success is evident in the luxurious lifestyle he leads. His income streams span from acting assignments, and brand endorsements, to various other ventures that have significantly propelled his financial success.