If you want to know the answer “Is it good to buy Yes Bank shares for long term” Then Absolute Yes, The Yes Bank Ltd. Is an Indian private Bank that is working under the Indian Commercial Private Sector Bank.
The full Form is Yes Bank is Youth Enterprise Scheme Bank. It is a trustworthy Private bank in India. In this article, we are covering”Is it good to buy Yes Bank shares” and the Yes Bank details like its share price and its future growth, etc. Let’s delve into and gain more information about Yes Bank from this article.
History of Yes Bank Ltd
If we talk about the details information of Yes Bank, it was established on November 21, 2003. Its co-founder is Rana Kapoor. On January 21, 2004, it became a Certified Bank for Commencement Business. Currently, it Provides banking and Financial services in India. It works into four segments which are:
- Treasury
- Corporation/ Wholesale banking
- Retail banking
- Other banking Operation
Yes Bank offers Other services for their Clients like Accounts, cards, loans, deposits, NRI Services, Privilege Banking, Cash Management, Trade Finance, Merchant Acquiring, Institutional Banking, agri banking Digital banking Solutions, etc.
Marketing Capture Of Yes Bank 2024
If we talk about the marketing Capture of Yes Bank according to the Quater 3 Report in 2024, market Capture net profit is Rs. 231 Crore which shows a growth of up to 2.3%.
If we talk about the overall market capital of Yes Bank it is Rs.65,580.4 crore, which is $8.83 Billion in February 2024. Which shows the Growth of Capitalization of the Market. if we compare the data of Yes Bank’s market capitalization in 2023 it was $7.42 Billion.
Should I buy Yes Bank stocks for a long-term investment in 2024?
This is very important to know before investing any kind of share whether their investment will become profitable in the future or not. If you are thinking about investing in Yes Bank and “Is it good to buy Yes Bank shares” then we will help you to solve your doubts.
According to expert analysis this year there are a lot of Chances to increase the share price of Yes Bank.
When we see the current analysis of the share price of Yes Bank then some data are coming which are :
The current share price of Yes Bank:
On today February 6, 2024, the open price of Yes Bank is Rs23.10 and it’s going high value at Rs 25.70 and Low value at Rs23.00. It ends with a Value of Rs 25.40 which is Shown as an increase of Rs +2.60 and also the return value is Rs11.40% which is shown increment.
5-Day Analysis Report of Yes Bank:
If we analyze of Last 5-day week then it shows an Increment of Rs +1.05 and the Return also increased by Rs 4.29%.
30-Day Analysis Report of Yes Bank:
If we analyze of Past 30 days, then it shows an Increment of Rs +1.20, and the Return also Increases by Rs 4.94%.
Is it good to buy Yes Bank shares Price now?
After Analysis of the Yes Bank share records in the future will become More possibilities to increase share prices. So if you think about investing in Yes Bank shares according to market analysis and expert suggestions it is the perfect time to purchase for share. You can plan for long-term investment and there will be more possibility to increase the market value of share in the future.
What is the future of Yes Bank Share Price?
- If we talk about “Is it good to buy Yes Bank shares” and the future target of Yes Bank Share it planning to grow its Review by 42.4% and 22.8% per annum.
- EPS is expected to grow 50.1% per Annum.
- Return Provide expectation of 9.5% in 3 years.
Note: All data is Analysis Data, it Can be Changed and Fluctuatable.
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What will be Yes Bank share price target in 2024?
According to experts the target of Yes Bank’s share price is to increase and the first target is Rs 40 after achieving this target Second target is Rs 45. If we see the current analysis of the share market then its share price value is increased.
What will be Yes Bank share price in 2025?
If talk about the 2025 share price target then its expectation first target is Rs 53 and the Second target expectation is Rs 59. According to the situation, it can be Changeable.
What will be Yes Bank share price target in 2030?
According to expert Annalysis Share Price, the expectation of Yes Bank in 2030 will first target Rs 100 and Second target Rs 110. Here we can see the Increment value which will make a profit possibility.
Yes, Bank the share price is making a High chance of future increment. According to expert suggestions, it becomes a good time to Buy the share and suggest Long-term keeping. In this article, we show the possibilities of yes bank shares. All data fluctuate in future conditions of the market. If you have any suggestions related to this article then drop your suggestion into the comment box.